I have, like most people, blouses that look the same. They have that smooth, satiny feeling, but one is made from silk, and the other is polyester. So I wondered which one is the better green choice to wear.
Polyester is made from polyethylene terephthalate (PET), also used to create our plastic bottles. But for our clothes, polyester can be made into fibers to create fabrics. Clothing made from polyester don't absorb stains as easily as cotton.
Jaeger Flock Spot Blouse, $127.50, jaeger.co.uk |
Silk is the material produced by the silkworm when it makes a cocoon. The mulberry silkworm produces the best quantity of silk. The worm eats its way through the cocoon, but in silk production, it will be removed so the silk can be unraveled to eventually make our clothes.
Aryn K mint silk blouse, $49, bluefly.com |
Polyester is made from coal, petroleum, air, and water, therefore it's the most detrimental to the environment with the resources it needs. But polyester can be recycled over and over. Silk just threatens silkworms, but like many other insects, they can reproduce easily though it's unfortunate we interrupt a part of their life cycles.
Because both materials will hopefully be reused in one form or another, silk and polyester will become green along the way.
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